Get Whois

GET /whois/whois

Gets the Whois information for the given domain. Returns the information if successful, otherwise returns an error.

Permissions Required: Whois::Whois


  • x-domain string

    The domain to get the Whois information for


  • 200 application/json

    The Whois information for the given domain

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    The Whois Data returned by the Whois Whois endpoint

    • domainName string Required

      The domain name

    • registrar string Required

      The registrar of the domain

    • creationDate string Required

      The creation date of the domain

    • expirationDate string Required

      The expiration date of the domain

    • updatedDate string Required

      The updated date of the domain

    • registrant object Required

      The registrant of the domain

      Hide registrant attributes Show registrant attributes object
      • name string Required

        The name of the representative

      • organization string Required

        The organization of the representative

      • street string Required

        The street of the representative

      • city string Required

        The city of the representative

      • state string Required

        The state of the representative

      • postalCode string Required

        The postal code of the representative

      • country string Required

        The country of the representative

      • phone string Required

        The phone number of the representative

      • fax string Required

        The fax number of the representative

      • email string Required

        The email of the representative

    • admin object Required

      The registrant of the domain

      Hide admin attributes Show admin attributes object
      • name string Required

        The name of the representative

      • organization string Required

        The organization of the representative

      • street string Required

        The street of the representative

      • city string Required

        The city of the representative

      • state string Required

        The state of the representative

      • postalCode string Required

        The postal code of the representative

      • country string Required

        The country of the representative

      • phone string Required

        The phone number of the representative

      • fax string Required

        The fax number of the representative

      • email string Required

        The email of the representative

    • tech object Required

      The registrant of the domain

      Hide tech attributes Show tech attributes object
      • name string Required

        The name of the representative

      • organization string Required

        The organization of the representative

      • street string Required

        The street of the representative

      • city string Required

        The city of the representative

      • state string Required

        The state of the representative

      • postalCode string Required

        The postal code of the representative

      • country string Required

        The country of the representative

      • phone string Required

        The phone number of the representative

      • fax string Required

        The fax number of the representative

      • email string Required

        The email of the representative

    • billing object Required

      The registrant of the domain

      Hide billing attributes Show billing attributes object
      • name string Required

        The name of the representative

      • organization string Required

        The organization of the representative

      • street string Required

        The street of the representative

      • city string Required

        The city of the representative

      • state string Required

        The state of the representative

      • postalCode string Required

        The postal code of the representative

      • country string Required

        The country of the representative

      • phone string Required

        The phone number of the representative

      • fax string Required

        The fax number of the representative

      • email string Required

        The email of the representative

    • status array[string] Required

      The status of the domain

      Values are Client Hold, Server Hold, Client Renew Prohibited, Server Renew Prohibited, Client Update Prohibited, Server Update Prohibited, Client Delete Prohibited, Server Delete Prohibited, Client Transfer Prohibited, or Server Transfer Prohibited.

  • 400 application/json

    Missing domain information

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    The error data that is returned when an error occurs

    All Error Codes are located in /functions/errorResponse.js GitHub

    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

  • 401 application/json

    Invalid/Missing API Token

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    The error data that is returned when an error occurs

    All Error Codes are located in /functions/errorResponse.js GitHub

    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

  • 403 application/json

    Missing Permissions

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    The error data that is returned when an error occurs

    All Error Codes are located in /functions/errorResponse.js GitHub

    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

GET /whois/whois
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "x-domain:"
Response examples (200)
  "tech": {
    "fax": "Unknown",
    "city": "Unknown",
    "name": "Unknown",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "Unknown",
    "state": "Unknown",
    "street": "Unknown",
    "country": "Unknown",
    "postalCode": "Unknown",
    "organization": "Unknown"
  "admin": {
    "fax": "Unknown",
    "city": "Unknown",
    "name": "Unknown",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "Unknown",
    "state": "Unknown",
    "street": "Unknown",
    "country": "Unknown",
    "postalCode": "Unknown",
    "organization": "Unknown"
  "status": [
    "Client Transfer Prohibited"
  "billing": {
    "fax": "Unknown",
    "city": "Unknown",
    "name": "Unknown",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "Unknown",
    "state": "Unknown",
    "street": "Unknown",
    "country": "Unknown",
    "postalCode": "Unknown",
    "organization": "Unknown"
  "registrar": "Cloudflare, Inc.",
  "domainName": "THEFEMDEVS.COM",
  "registrant": {
    "fax": "Unknown",
    "city": "Unknown",
    "name": "Unknown",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "Unknown",
    "state": "MI",
    "street": "Unknown",
    "country": "US",
    "postalCode": "Unknown",
    "organization": "Unknown"
  "updatedDate": "2023-07-24T19:03:11Z",
  "creationDate": "Unknown",
  "expirationDate": "2024-07-17T14:59:48Z"
Response examples (400)
  "code": 8,
  "message": "Missing Header Parameter(s)"
  "code": 9,
  "message": "Invalid Header Parameter(s)"
Response examples (401)
  "code": 3,
  "message": "No API key provided"
  "code": 4,
  "message": "Invalid API key provided"
Response examples (403)
  "code": 1,
  "message": "You are not authorized to access this resource"
  "code": 2,
  "message": "You are blacklisted from accessing this resource"