
Api token (http)

JSON Web Token Authentication with information containing your license key


  • Global::Data.Read (0:0:0) - Unused
  • Global::Data.Write (0:0:1) - Unused
  • Global::Data.Create (0:0:2) - Unused
  • Global::Data.Delete (0:0:3) - Unused
  • Global::Token.Read (0:1:0) - Allows reading of token information
  • Global::Token.ReadAll (0:1:1) - Allows reading of all token information
  • Global::Token.Write (0:1:2) - Unused
  • Global::Token.Create (0:1:3) - Allows creating of token information
  • Global::Token.Delete (0:1:4) - Allows deleting of token
  • Global::User.Read (0:2:0) - Read user information
  • Global::User.ReadAll (0:2:1) - Unused
  • Global::User.Write (0:2:2) - Write/Update user information
  • Global::User.Create (0:2:3) - Create a user profile
  • Global::User.Delete (0:2:4) - Delete a user profile
  • Cryptography::Encrypt (1:0) - Ability to encrypt data using the /crypto/enc endpoint
  • Cryptography::Decrypt (1:1) - Ability to decrypt data using the /crypto/dec endpoint
  • Dictionary::Definition (2:0) - !! DEPRECIATED!! Ability to get the definition of a word using the /dict/def endpoint
  • Dictionary::Synonym (2:1) - !! DEPRECIATED!! Ability to get the synonyms of a word using the /dict/syn endpoint
  • Dictionary::Antonym (2:2) - !! DEPRECIATED!! Ability to get the antonyms of a word using the /dict/ant endpoint
  • Facts::Dog (3:0) - Ability to get a random dog fact using the /facts/dog endpoint
  • Facts::Cat (3:1) - Ability to get a random cat fact using the /facts/cat endpoint
  • Facts::ChuckNorris (3:2) - Ability to get a random fact using the /facts/chucknorris endpoint
  • Location::Coord (4:0) - Ability to get the location of coordinates using the /location/coords endpoint
  • Location::Pluscode (4:1) - Ability to get the location of a pluscode using the /location/pluscode endpoint
  • Location::Address (4:2) - Ability to get the location of an address using the /location/address endpoint
  • Phone::Lookup (5:0) - Ability to get the details of a phone number using the /phone/details endpoint
  • Phone::Validate (5:1) - Unused
  • Quote::Kanye (6:0) - Ability to get a random Kanye West quote using the /quotes/kanye endpoint
  • Quote::RonSwanson (6:1) - Ability to get a random Ron Swanson quote using the /quotes/ronswanson endpoint
  • Quote::Random (6:2) - Ability to get a random quote using the /quotes/random endpoint
  • Weather::Current (7:0) - Ability to get the current weather using the /weather/current endpoint
  • Minecraft::Hive.Player (8:0:0) - Ability to get information about a player on the Hive Minecraft server using the /minecraft/hive/player endpoint
  • Minecraft::Hive.Map (8:0:1) - Ability to get information about a map on the Hive Minecraft server using the /minecraft/hive/map endpoint
  • Whois::DNS (9:0) - Ability to get the DNS Whois information for a domain using the /whois/dns endpoint
  • Whois::Whois (9:1) - Ability to get the Whois information for a domain using the /whois/whois endpoint
  • Whois::Full (9:2) - Ability to get the full Whois information for a domain using the /whois/full endpoint
  • Barcode::Generate (10:0) - Ability to generate a barcode using the /barcode/gen endpoint
  • Password::Generate (11:0) - Ability to generate a password using the /password/gen endpoint

Permission Roles:

  • Global::Role.Developer (0:3:0) - Full access to all endpoints
  • Global::Role.Administrator (0:3:1) - Full access to all endpoints
  • Global::Role.Owner (0:3:2) - Complete access to all endpoints