Get Hive Player Info

GET /minecraft/hive/player

Gets the player information for the given username. Returns the player information if the player exists, otherwise returns an error.

Permissions Required: Minecraft::Hive.Player


  • x-user string

    The Minecraft username of the player to get information for


  • 200 application/json

    The player information for the given username

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • hide object Required

      The hide game statistics of the player

      Hide hide attributes Show hide attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The XP of the player

      • played integer Required

        The number of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The number of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

      • hider_kills integer Required

        The number of hiders the player has killed

    • main object Required

      The main statistics of the player

      Hide main attributes Show main attributes object
      • xuid integer Required

        The XUID of the player

      • username string Required

        The username of the player

      • username_cc string Required

        The username of the player with color codes

      • rank string Required

        The rank of the player

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • daily_login_streak integer Required

        The current daily login streak of the player

      • The longest daily login streak of the player

      • hub_title_count integer Required

        The number of hub titles the player has

      • hub_title_unlocked array[string] Required

        The number of hub titles the player has unlocked

      • avatar_count integer Required

        The number of avatars the player has

      • avatar_unlocked array[object] Required

        The avatars the player has unlocked

        Hide avatar_unlocked attributes Show avatar_unlocked attributes object
        • url string Required

          The URL of the player's skin

        • name string Required

          The name of the player

      • costume_count integer Required

        The number of costumes the player has

      • friend_count integer Required

        The number of friends the player has

      • equipped_hub_title string Required

        The hub title the player has equipped

      • equipped_avatar object Required

        The URL Data Object for the Hive Minecraft Server

        Hide equipped_avatar attributes Show equipped_avatar attributes object
        • url string Required

          The URL of the player's skin

        • name string Required

          The name of the player

      • quest_count integer Required

        The number of quests the player has

      • pets array[string] Required

        The pets the player has

      • mounts array[string] Required

        The mounts the player has

      • hats array[string] Required

        The hats the player has

    • deathrun object Required

      The deathrun statistics of the player

      Hide deathrun attributes Show deathrun attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The XP of the player

      • played integer Required

        The number of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The number of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

      • checkpoints integer Required

        The number of checkpoints the player has reached

      • activated integer Required

        The number of traps the player has activated

      • kills integer Required

        The number of deaths the player has caused

    • war object Required

      The war statistics of the player

      Hide war attributes Show war attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The XP of the player

      • played integer Required

        The number of games the player has played

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • final_kills integer Required

        The number of final kills the player has

      • kills integer Required

        The number of kills the player has

      • treasure_destroyed integer Required

        The number of treasures the player has destroyed

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

    • murder object Required

      The murder mystery game statistics of the player

      Hide murder attributes Show murder attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The XP of the player

      • played integer Required

        The number of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The number of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

      • coins integer Required

        The number of coins the player has

      • murders integer Required

        The number of murders the player has committed

      • murderer_eliminations integer Required

        The number of murderers the user has eliminated

    • sg object Required

      The survival games statistics of the player

      Hide sg attributes Show sg attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • crates integer Required

        The number of crates the player has opened

      • kills integer Required

        The number of kills the player has

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

    • sky object Required

      The sky wars statistics of the player

      Hide sky attributes Show sky attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The amount of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • ores_mined integer Required

        The number of ores the player has mined

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

    • ctf object Required

      The capture the flag statistics of the player

      Hide ctf attributes Show ctf attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The amount of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • assists integer Required

        The number of assists the player has

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

      • flags_captured integer Required

        The number of flags the player has captured

      • kills integer Required

        The number of kills the player has

      • flags_returned integer Required

        The number of flags the player has returned

    • drop object Required

      The drop statistics of the player

      Hide drop attributes Show drop attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • blocks_destroyed integer Required

        The number of blocks the player has destroyed

      • powerups_collected integer Required

        The number of powerups the player has collected

      • vaults_used integer Required

        The number of vaults the player has used

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

    • ground object Required

      The ground statistics of the player

      Hide ground attributes Show ground attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The amount of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • blocks_destroyed integer Required

        The number of blocks the player has destroyed

      • powerups_collected integer Required

        The number of powerups the player has collected

      • vaults_used integer Required

        The number of vaults the player has used

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

    • build object Required

      The build statistics of the player

      Hide build attributes Show build attributes object
    • party object Required

      The party statistics of the player

      Hide party attributes Show party attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The amount of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • powerups_collected integer Required

        The number of powerups the player has collected

      • rounds_survived integer Required

        The number of rounds the player has survived

    • bridge object Required

      The bridge statistics of the player

      Hide bridge attributes Show bridge attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

    • grav object Required

      The gravity statistics of the player

      Hide grav attributes Show grav attributes object
      • xp integer Required

        The amount of XP the player has

      • played integer Required

        The amount of games the player has played

      • victories integer Required

        The amount of games the player has won

      • first_played integer Required

        The first time the player played

      • deaths integer Required

        The number of times the player has died

      • maps_completed integer Required

        The number of maps the player has completed

      • The number of maps the player has completed without dying

  • 400 application/json

    Missing user information

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

  • 401 application/json

    Invalid/Missing API Token

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

  • 403 application/json

    Missing Permissions

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

  • 404 application/json

    Error with the given username

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code integer Required

      The error code

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 30.

    • message string Required

      The error message

GET /minecraft/hive/player
curl \
 --request GET \
 --header "x-user: therealbenpai"
Response examples (200)
  "dr": {
    "xp": 4248,
    "kills": 86,
    "deaths": 203,
    "played": 46,
    "activated": 76,
    "victories": 31,
    "checkpoints": 264,
    "first_played": 1694643520
  "sg": {
    "xp": 65,
    "cows": 1,
    "kills": 6,
    "crates": 40,
    "deaths": 6,
    "played": 6,
    "first_played": 1615497464
  "ctf": {
    "xp": 143,
    "kills": 6,
    "deaths": 7,
    "played": 3,
    "assists": 4,
    "victories": 1,
    "first_played": 1694295639,
    "flags_captured": 0,
    "flags_returned": 1
  "sky": {
    "xp": 320,
    "kills": 5,
    "deaths": 20,
    "played": 27,
    "victories": 5,
    "ores_mined": 551,
    "spells_used": 10,
    "first_played": 1612392245,
    "mystery_chests_destroyed": 1
  "drop": {
    "xp": 65,
    "deaths": 1,
    "played": 1,
    "vaults_used": 0,
    "first_played": 1694288117,
    "blocks_destroyed": 506,
    "powerups_collected": 0
  "grav": {
    "xp": 658,
    "deaths": 413,
    "played": 21,
    "victories": 7,
    "first_played": 1694283594,
    "maps_completed": 57,
    "maps_completed_without_dying": 15
  "hide": {
    "xp": 1612,
    "deaths": 9,
    "played": 13,
    "victories": 3,
    "hider_kills": 28,
    "first_played": 1600464717,
    "seeker_kills": 2
  "main": {
    "hats": [],
    "pets": [
    "rank": "REGULAR",
    "xuid": 2535441321443031,
    "mounts": [],
    "username": "therealbenpai",
    "quest_count": 20,
    "username_cc": "therealbenpai",
    "avatar_count": 6,
    "first_played": 1597106900,
    "friend_count": 8,
    "costume_count": 0,
    "avatar_unlocked": [
        "url": "",
        "name": "Drew (Monster)"
        "url": "",
        "name": "Endolotl Pet"
        "url": "",
        "name": "Harper (Monster)"
        "url": "",
        "name": "Reese (Monster)"
        "url": "",
        "name": "Riley (Monster)"
        "url": "",
        "name": "Zoomies"
    "equipped_avatar": {
      "url": "",
      "name": "Zoomies"
    "hub_title_count": 6,
    "daily_login_streak": 0,
    "equipped_hub_title": "&eClickety &6Clack",
    "hub_title_unlocked": [
      "&cThe Short Sighted",
      "&cThe Defender",
      "&eAir &aSwimmer",
      "&aThe Good Citizen",
      "&aThe Snail",
      "&eClickety &6Clack"
    "longest_daily_login_streak": 6
  "wars": {
    "xp": 1160,
    "kills": 27,
    "deaths": 82,
    "played": 27,
    "victories": 1,
    "final_kills": 5,
    "first_played": 1612317414,
    "treasure_destroyed": 19
  "build": {
    "xp": 10,
    "played": 2,
    "first_played": 1597107129,
    "rating_meh_received": 4,
    "rating_good_received": 5,
    "rating_love_received": 0,
    "rating_okay_received": 1,
    "rating_great_received": 0
  "party": {
    "xp": 1072,
    "played": 35,
    "victories": 2,
    "first_played": 1687883920,
    "rounds_survived": 284,
    "powerups_collected": 55
  "bridge": {
    "xp": 0,
    "first_played": 0
  "ground": {
    "xp": 0,
    "deaths": 0,
    "played": 0,
    "victories": 0,
    "vaults_used": 0,
    "first_played": 0,
    "blocks_destroyed": 0,
    "powerups_collected": 0
  "murder": {
    "xp": 16914,
    "coins": 3193,
    "deaths": 192,
    "played": 420,
    "murders": 170,
    "victories": 308,
    "first_played": 1597106959,
    "murderer_eliminations": 22
Response examples (400)
  "code": 8,
  "message": "Missing Header Parameter(s)"
  "code": 9,
  "message": "Invalid Header Parameter(s)"
Response examples (401)
  "code": 3,
  "message": "No API key provided"
  "code": 4,
  "message": "Invalid API key provided"
Response examples (403)
  "code": 1,
  "message": "You are not authorized to access this resource"
  "code": 2,
  "message": "You are blacklisted from accessing this resource"
Response examples (404)
  "code": 22,
  "message": "Unable to retrieve requested information"